- (876) 925 1980
- admissions@gohillel.com
Children entering Kindergarten One (for 3- 4 year olds) must have had their third birthday on or before August 31st of the year in which they start school. Children entering from other schools, must present satisfactory previous school reports and other relevant documentation.
Those seeking admission to our Kindergarten 1 and 2 classes for the following September will be invited to spend part of a day at school for informal group activities during the months of March - May preceding the admission date. Parents will be informed of the date at least two weeks in advance. The children’s general social maturity and adaptability within a group, large/fine motor skills and age-appropriate readiness skills for numeracy and literacy will be observed.
Older children seeking admission to the Prep School will be assessed at age-appropriate levels in English and Mathematics on an individual basis. These assessments can be arranged at any time throughout the year. Report cards from their previous school(s), for up to three years, depending on the age of the child, must be submitted along with the Registration Form.
Note : Applications may be emailed to Lori-Ann MacMillan Thompson at lmacmillanthompson@gohillel.com or admissions@gohillel.com. Please remember the registration fee.